Indicator species

Indicator species in the Flora-Fauna Habitat „Wupper von Leverkusen bis Solingen“

Indicator species are animal and plant species that may not necessarily be particularly common, but are extremely valuable for the characteristic ecologies of the FFH “Wupper von Leverkusen bis Solingen”. As species that pose high ecological demands, for instance on habitat structures, habitat combinations or landscape development stages, they are particularly sensitive to change. Many of these once-typical species have become extremely rare in this region. Their presence is an indication of the special nature of the habitats in the Wupper Valley and underscores the special responsibility of protecting and preserving these habitats and the links between them.

We will be posting portraits of indicator species of the FFH “Wupper von Leverkusen bis Solingen” here in future.

  • BSMW
  • EU
  • Solingen
  • Remscheid
  • Umweltministerium NRW

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